Instructions for use
Technical requirements for using the application:
A few steps to a submitted application
Step 1 – Registration
Click on the REGISTRATION button.
Step 2 – You receive a confirmation message with your username and password and a link to confirm your registration
Step 3 – Login
Click on the link provided in the confirmation message, which activates the username and password and directs you to Login in the application.
Enter your username and password and start using the app. When you have completed the application process, select the desired tender in the "Financing - Tenders" folder in the application and click the OPEN TENDER button. Click the APPLY button in the menu and start filling out the form.
To select another tender, click the CLOSE THIS TENDER button to the left under the logo.
Whenever you press the SAVE button, the entries in the form are saved, while the correctness of the entries, namely values or conditions, are not checked at that time. Click the SAVE AND CONTINUE button to proceed to the next step of filling out the form. In this case, the correctness of entries, namely values or conditions, is checked. The saved form is available in the "E-documents" folder.
As long as the application is not completed (complete the application at the end by entering a checkmark before the CLOSE command), it is available in the mentioned folder and you can change it.
Before completing the application, we suggest that you review it carefully to see if any corrections or additions may be necessary.
You can also just print the application (at the end of the data entry, enter a check mark before the PRINT command). On the printed version of the application that has not yet been completed, there will be a warning that the application has not yet been completed. Such an application also does not have a barcode.
WARNING! Applications that are not completed electronically will not be considered.
Step 4 – Complete the application
When you have finished filling out the form, put a check mark before the command CLOSE.
From that moment on, it shall be no longer possible to edit the application. Print the application.
Step 5 – Sumbit the printed completed application – by registered post
There is a barcode on the first page of the printed application. This is a mark that the application has been completed electronically.
Do not forget to sign and stamp the application and attach the compulsory annexes.
When the completed application is printed, a document with a bar code and information about the sender and recipient is also printed, with the words "Do not open" and "Registered – R!".
The application with compulsory annexes must be submitted in a sealed envelope and a form with a bar code must be attached to the front of the envelope, which is determined by the online application when the application is printed.
The deadline for the call of applications begins on the day of publication of the public tender in the Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia and lasts until the end of the last day of the published deadline for submission of applications.
USING THE APPLICATION – further details
REGISTRATION – If you are using the application for the first time, you must first register. You can do this by clicking on the REGISTRATION button at
Fill in all fields single-handedly and correctly. Confirm your registration by clicking the SEND button.
LOGIN – After successful registration, log in to the application by clicking on the REGISTER button.
1. In the top menu, open the "Financing – Tenders" folder and select the desired tender from the list of open tenders.
2. In the top menu, click the NEW APPLICATION button (also APPLICATION).
3. Read the instructions in detail and click the CONTINUE button.
4. Continue filling out the form, which consists of several steps.
5. In the last step, the application offers two options: COMPLETE APPLICATION and PRINT APPLICATION.
You can complete the form immediately (it can no longer be edited by clicking on COMPLETE APPLICATION) and at the same time print it (send it to JAK in printed form) by selecting both offered options and clicking the CONFIRM button. If you want to print a test version of the application, select only the PRINT APPLICATION option, but if you only want to complete it and print it later, select only the COMPLETE APPLICATION option.
The data entered in the forms are saved in either case.
ATTENTION: Complete the application only when you are sure that the data entered in the forms are completely correct. After completing the application, the forms cannot be changed.
Each application is completed in several steps. Each data entry is followed by a review of the stored data.
In most cases, the first step of each application also shows the information entered during registration. This data cannot be changed in the application, but they can be changed under the EDIT YOUR DATA link in the top right-hand corner.
Input fields
The fields on the form are colored differently and have different meanings:
• WHITE fields are input fields and data are entered in them,
• GRAY fields are not input and only show the value,
• LIGHT BLUE fields are fields for automatic calculations based on entered data.
Filling out forms
Vsa okenca so obvezna in jih je treba ustrezno izpolniti. Dokler ustrezno ne izpolnite posameznega koraka, nadaljevanje ni mogoče. Če za določeno okence nimate podatkov, ker gre npr. za izvirno slovensko leposlovno delo in zato prevajalec za knjigo ni potreben, v okence vnesete znak / ali 0. V nobenem primeru okence ne sme ostati prazno.
All boxes are mandatory and must be filled in accordingly. You cannot continue until you have completed each step correctly. If you do not have data for a certain box, in case of, for example, an original Slovenian fiction and therefore a translator for the book is not required, enter the sign / or 0 in the box. In no case may the box be left empty.
Errors on the form can include:
An error is defined by a red coloured box or text within it. For information about the error, move the mouse over the red marking that appears next to the incorrect data.
When you select the PRINT APPLICATION option in the application, the page will open ready to print, and the browser's print dialog will also open at the same time.
Before printing the application, we recommend viewing the print preview in your browser. To do this, close the print dialog and select PRINT PREVIEW from the browser menu. Then select the PRINT option from the browser menu to print.
We recommend turning off all headers and footers in your browser's print settings. This can be done by closing the print dialog and selecting the PAGE SETUP option in the browser menu, where headers and footers are turned off.